Gateway to Paperless & Commission Free Mutual
Fund Investments for your:

Kid's Education


Kid's Marriage

Dream House

Own Car

Wealth Creation

How to start SIP?

Choose your financial goal

We have specialised dedicated fund managers to manage the finances properly.

Pick a fund from our products

Our investment plans start with a small amount of money to consider small capital investors.

Invest Online

We can help you to invest by diversify your portfolio to reduce the risk of your capital loss.

Plan your future now

Systematic Investment Plan

SIP or Systematic Investment Plan is an investment strategy we used where an
investor needs to invest the same amount of money in a particular mutual fund at
every stipulated period.

Benefit from the power of compounding

Compounding is about earning interest by reinvesting the interest earned. The magic of compounding can turn a small amount regularly invested to a vast corpus. It is always better to start investing early with a small amount than waiting for a large sum to start investments.

Formulate financial discipline

First and the most important thing in SIP is start investing a fixed amount of money regularly irrespective of the market conditions. The start and stop mode of investing will not help here. The simple step to attain this is to give the monthly direct debit option from your bank account.

Average out your purchase cost

The stock market is known for its volatility. Investors usually try to circumvent the problem by timing the market; buy when the market is down and sell during the peak hours.The best way to handle such uncertainty is to average out your purchase cost over a period.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, at this point our clients have to create a separate login ID and password to use this portal.In future EZ Wealth and EZ SIP portals can both be accessed through a unique username and password.

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